Tips and Tricks
How do I Submit my own Fresh Perspective?
Participation in our market research projects often requires online video chats or self-submitted homemade videos. Not familiar with these technologies? We can help!
Click on the links below to find detailed instructions and tips on how to download Skype and record your own Fresh Perspectives experience.
Downloading Skype
Please follow these directions for setting up your computer:
- In your internet browser, go to
- Go to the Download Skype page or click on “Downloads” in the top left corner of the home page or click on the "Download Skype" button on the banner
- Select your device and start the download*.
- You can launch Skype after it is installed on your device
*Skype for Windows 10 is already installed on the latest version of Windows 10.
creating a new Skype account
- Launch Skype and select Create new account or go directly to the Create account page.
- They will take you through the process of creating a new account.
- You can create it with your phone number or your email.
- Follow the onscreen directions to enter required information, such as name, email address, and create a screen name & password.
- Congratulations! You have a Skype Account (note: you do not have to pay any money to sign up for this account and you do not need any Skype credits for this interview).
Helpful links:
Tips for interviewing with Skype
- Please answer the Interview Questions in a conversational tone, and refrain from repeating questions aloud.
- Try to answer each question clearly – We want to hear your honest and candid opinions!
- Be sure you are sitting in a room with good lighting, and that you have a good internet / network connection.
Self-Submitting using your Device
Instructions on how to use your device
Please try to find a spot with good lighting
If using your mobile phone, please be sure to record while holding the phone horizontally.
Please keep your video’s length to the time suggested by the Fresh Perspectives team member
Tips for self-taping
- Be sure that your video is in a downloadable format.
Example: .Mp4 or .mov.
(To submit your video via email, you can use,, or upload to AS UNLISTED and send a link.) - Feel free to answer the Interview Questions in a conversational tone, and refrain from repeating questions aloud.
- Please answer all questions listed. If you accidently miss a question, please go back and answer. We want to hear all of your honest and candid opinions!
- Be sure you are sitting in a room with good lighting so that there are no dark shadows covering your face or too much light behind you causing a silhouette view.